

Text To Speech for wordpress!

How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any text from your site! We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
 Over sites are already using GSpeech!
3.6 or higher
Welcome to GSpeech demo page   Click to listen highlighted text! Welcome to GSpeech demo page

Lifelike Text to Speech for Your Customers

1. Select Your Language
2. Customize your message
Note: GSpeech uses Google Technology, which uses Machine Learning, so the TTS quality is being improved over time!

Some GSpeech Examples

1. Different Styles and Languages
English: Extraterrestrial oceans may be composed of water or other elements and compounds.   Click to listen highlighted text! Extraterrestrial oceans may be composed of water or other elements and compounds.
Russian: Внеземные океаны могут состоять из воды или других элементов и соединений.   Click to listen highlighted text! Внеземные океаны могут состоять из воды или других элементов и соединений.
Spanish: Los océanos extraterrestres pueden estar compuestos de agua elementos y compuestos.   Click to listen highlighted text! Los océanos extraterrestres pueden estar compuestos de agua elementos y compuestos.
French: Les océans extraterrestres peuvent être composés d'eau ou d'autres éléments et composés.   Click to listen highlighted text! Les océans extraterrestres peuvent être composés deau ou dautres éléments et composés.
2. Speaking Links
Select Your Language   Click to listen highlighted text! Select Your Language
Customize your message   Click to listen highlighted text! Customize your message
gspeech_value   Click to listen highlighted text! gspeech_value
gspeech_value   Click to listen highlighted text! gspeech_value
Different Languages
English: Extraterrestrial oceans may be composed of water or other elements and compounds. The only confirmed large stable bodies of extraterrestrial surface liquids are the lakes of Titan, although there is evidence for the existence of oceans elsewhere in the Solar System. Early in their geologic histories, Mars and Venus are theorized to have had large water oceans. The Mars ocean hypothesis suggests that nearly a third of the surface of Mars was once covered by water, and a runaway greenhouse effect may have boiled away the global ocean of Venus.   Click to listen highlighted text! Extraterrestrial oceans may be composed of water or other elements and compounds. The only confirmed large stable bodies of extraterrestrial surface liquids are the lakes of Titan, although there is evidence for the existence of oceans elsewhere in the Solar System. Early in their geologic histories, Mars and Venus are theorized to have had large water oceans. The Mars ocean hypothesis suggests that nearly a third of the surface of Mars was once covered by water, and a runaway greenhouse effect may have boiled away the global ocean of Venus.
Russian: Внеземные океаны могут состоять из воды или других элементов и соединений. Единственными подтвержденными большими устойчивыми телами внеземных поверхностных жидкостей являются озера Титан, хотя есть доказательства существования океанов в других частях Солнечной системы. В начале геологической истории Марс и Венера предположительно имели большие водные океаны. Гипотеза о Марсовом океане предполагает, что когда-то почти треть поверхности Марса была когда-то покрыта водой, и побочный парниковый эффект мог испарить глобальный океан Венеры.   Click to listen highlighted text! Внеземные океаны могут состоять из воды или других элементов и соединений. Единственными подтвержденными большими устойчивыми телами внеземных поверхностных жидкостей являются озера Титан, хотя есть доказательства существования океанов в других частях Солнечной системы. В начале геологической истории Марс и Венера предположительно имели большие водные океаны. Гипотеза о Марсовом океане предполагает, что когда-то почти треть поверхности Марса была когда-то покрыта водой, и побочный парниковый эффект мог испарить глобальный океан Венеры.
Spanish: Los océanos extraterrestres pueden estar compuestos de agua u otros elementos y compuestos. Los únicos grandes cuerpos estables confirmados de líquidos de superficie extraterrestre son los lagos de Titán, aunque hay evidencia de la existencia de océanos en otras partes del Sistema Solar. Al principio de sus historias geológicas, se teoriza que Marte y Venus tuvieron grandes océanos de agua.   Click to listen highlighted text! Los océanos extraterrestres pueden estar compuestos de agua u otros elementos y compuestos. Los únicos grandes cuerpos estables confirmados de líquidos de superficie extraterrestre son los lagos de Titán, aunque hay evidencia de la existencia de océanos en otras partes del Sistema Solar. Al principio de sus historias geológicas, se teoriza que Marte y Venus tuvieron grandes océanos de agua.
German: Außerirdische Ozeane können aus Wasser oder anderen Elementen und Verbindungen bestehen. Die einzigen nachgewiesenen großen stabilen Körper von außerirdischen Oberflächenflüssigkeiten sind die Titanseen, obwohl es Hinweise auf die Existenz von Ozeanen an anderer Stelle im Sonnensystem gibt. Früh in ihrer geologischen Geschichte wird vermutet, dass Mars und Venus große Wasserozeane hatten.   Click to listen highlighted text! Außerirdische Ozeane können aus Wasser oder anderen Elementen und Verbindungen bestehen. Die einzigen nachgewiesenen großen stabilen Körper von außerirdischen Oberflächenflüssigkeiten sind die Titanseen, obwohl es Hinweise auf die Existenz von Ozeanen an anderer Stelle im Sonnensystem gibt. Früh in ihrer geologischen Geschichte wird vermutet, dass Mars und Venus große Wasserozeane hatten.
French: Les océans extraterrestres peuvent être composés d'eau ou d'autres éléments et composés. Les seuls grands corps stables confirmés de liquides de surface extraterrestres sont les lacs de Titan, bien qu'il existe des preuves de l'existence d'océans ailleurs dans le système solaire. Au début de leur histoire géologique, Mars et Vénus sont supposés avoir eu de grands océans d'eau.   Click to listen highlighted text! Les océans extraterrestres peuvent être composés deau ou dautres éléments et composés. Les seuls grands corps stables confirmés de liquides de surface extraterrestres sont les lacs de Titan, bien quil existe des preuves de lexistence docéans ailleurs dans le système solaire. Au début de leur histoire géologique, Mars et Vénus sont supposés avoir eu de grands océans deau.

Speaking Menus
Looking an original way to present your website menus? With GSpeech extension you can speak menu items, when user hover them. See the example below.
gspeech_html   Click to listen highlighted text! gspeech_html
Speaking block
Experiments Block
You can specify custom events, and crate audio for each of them.
Try to hover the block, click on it, etc. ...
This will open up a huge world of possibilities for you!
welcome   Click to listen highlighted text! welcome
goodbye   Click to listen highlighted text! goodbye
click   Click to listen highlighted text! click
double click   Click to listen highlighted text! double click
mouse down   Click to listen highlighted text! mouse down
Set Custom Styles
  • Style 1. How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site!
    We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
      Click to listen highlighted text! How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site!We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
  • Style 2. How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site!
    We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
      Click to listen highlighted text! How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site!We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
  • Style 3. How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site!
    We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
      Click to listen highlighted text! How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site!We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
  • Style 4. How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site!
    We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
      Click to listen highlighted text! How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site!We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
  • Style 5. How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site!
    We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
      Click to listen highlighted text! How it would be wonderful, if your visitors could listen any selected text from your site!We made that possible. We use Google power to provide you the best quality of automatic text to speech service. Enjoy!
You can also select any text from the content of your site, and listen the selection audio. Just like it is done in the video below.
Click to listen highlighted text!